Programme of the 16th LGBT Festival “Moldova Pride”

Programme of the 16th LGBT Festival “Moldova Pride” 
16 – 21 May, Chișinău


16 May, Tuesday

19.00 – 21.00 Moldova Pride opening ceremony
Annually, the LGBT Festival “Moldova Pride” kicks off with the flag raising ceremony. This year, the honour to raise the festival flag was granted to the first Chairperson of the GENDERDOC-M Information Centre, Alexei Marcicov, and current Chairwoman of organisation, Polina Ceastuhina. The Ambassador of Sweden to Moldova Signe Burgstaller and representative of the Dutch Embassy Office in Chișinău, Roy Hans, will also make a speech at the solemn Moldova Pride Festival kick off ceremony, the Ambassador of USA to Moldova James D. Pettit.

Event venue:  GENDERDOC-M Office, str. Valeriu Cupcea nr.72/1.

17 May, Wednesday

18.00 – 19.00 Photo exhibition NO SILENCE by Carolina Dutka
NO SILENCE is a documentary photography project, forbidden for public viewing in Transnistrian region; a project dedicated to the LGBT community living in this territory of Moldova. It reflects the existence of LGBT community in the region and publicly tells several stories of its representatives on the left bank of the Dniester River.

Event venue: Propaganda Cafe, str. Șciusev nr.70

19.00 – 21.00 Public debate “LGBT people: The right to vote and to be elected”
The issue of LGBT people’s right to publicly express their political opinion and views was widely discussed during presidential elections in October–November 2016. This serves as a ground for carrying out this public debate in order to analyse this topic from all viewpoints.

Event venue: Propaganda Cafe, str. Șciusev nr.70

18 May, Thursday

15.00 – 17.00 Presentation of the report on anti-LGBT hate speech
During the past year, local mass media materials on LGBT issues have been monitored and analysed. The outcomes of this analysis will be presented at this event.

Event venue: Summit Events, str. Tighina nr.49/3

19.30 – 21.00 Theatre performance CLEAR HISTORY
Produced by Nicoleta Esinencu, Doriana Talmazan, Irina Vacarciuc. CLEAR HISTORY is a performance about the recent past of Moldova where Jewish ghettoes and concentration camps were created and when Jews were deported to Transnistria – the past that seems to be totally unknown to the young generation or, perhaps, even intentionally and carefully hidden by the generation of witnesses of those events. Performance is shown in Romanian and Russian with Russian subtitles.

Event venue: teatru-spălătorie, str. Eminescu nr.72.

19 May, Friday

12.00 – 18.00 Conference “Information campaigns as effective instruments in promoting LGBT rights” 
The conference aims at analyzing and debating information campaigns as effective tools of bringing about social change and advocating for LGBT equality in Eastern Partnership countries and Russia. Basing on the successes of GENDERDOC-M’s 2016 social campaign “Fără Frică” (No Fear), we would like to share our experience with fellow activists from the region and hear their successes, as well as learned lessons, in carrying out information campaigns in their respective countries.

Event venue: Jazz Hotel, str. Vlaicu Pârcălab nr.72

22.00 – 04.00 LGBT Pride Night
On this night we invite you to celebrate together diversity and equality. Traditionally, on the LGBT Pride Night, six professionals and allies of the Moldovan LGBT community will receive awards for the promotion of LGBT equality and their contribution to the development of the local LGBT movement.
Event venue: Rust Club, str. Mircea cel Bătrîn nr.3

20 May, Saturday

14.00 –22.00 Pride Park in the Yard
Pride Park is a homophobia and transphobia-free open-air community space for communication, music, cultural and information activities, workshops and discussions.

Event venue: Funky Mamaliga Hostel, Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu nr.16.

22.00 – 04.00 Queer Party 27 #GlitterPower
Chișinău’s only queer and feminist party returns with the 27th edition carried out within the LGBT Festival “Moldova Pride”. Be ready for the loads of glitter which will remain on for at least one week after the party.
Event venue: Spălătorie Bar, str. Eminescu nr.72.

21 May, Sunday

12.00 – 13.00 Solidarity March “Fără Frică”
The 2017 solidarity march “Fără Frică” (No Fear) is a manifest in support of diversity. We are different and equal rights, we are beautiful and powerful exactly in our diversity. We are free because we are fearless.

22.00 – 04.00 Safer Sex Promotion Party
GENDERDOC-M Information Centre is pleased to invite you to the Safer Sex Promotion Party, the closing event of the 16th LGBT Festival “Moldova Pride”. SSPP is an event aimed at promoting a conscious and safer sexual behaviour among LGBT+ people. All those willing to become aware of their HIV status will be able to get a rapid test and know its result in 15 minutes.

Event venue: Stalker Club, str. Sadoveanu nr.19


Admission to all Moldova Pride events is free!

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